DSA Motorcycle Test Questions

Question Answer
Identify where you would check the engine oil level and tell me how you would check that the engine has sufficient oil. Identify where to check level, i.e. dipstick or sight glass. Put the bike upright on an even surface. Explain that level should be between max and min marks. For dipstick remove dipstick and wipe clean, return and remove again to check oil level against max/min marks. For sight glass, ensure glass is clean when checking.
Show me how you would check that the horn is working on this machine (off road only). Turn the ignition on and press horn button, Turn ignition off. Explain that normally the horn should only be used when the vehicle is in motion.
Identify where the brake fluid reservoir is and tell me how you would check that you have a safe level of hydraulic fluid. Identify reservoir, check level against high/low markings.
Tell me how you would check that the lights and reflectors are clean and working. Explanation only: Turn on ignition, check the left/right indicator. Check the high/low headlamp beam. Check headlight/tail light. Check front/rear brake light. Identify reflectors. Check visually for cleanliness and operation.
Show me how you would check that the brake lights are working. Operate brake, place hand over light or make use of reflections in windows, garage doors or ask someone to help.
Tell me how you would check the condition of the chain on this machine. Check for chain wear, correct tension and rear wheel alignment. Tension should be adjusted as specified in the machine handbook. Drive chain should be lubricated to ensure that excessive wear does not take place.
Show me what checks you would make on the steering movement before using the machine. Handlebars should be free to move smoothly from full left lock to full right lock without any control cables being stretched, trapped or pinched and without any snagging between moving and fixed parts. The movement should be smooth without the handlebars fouling any of the bodywork.
What adjustments would you make to your machine before carrying a passenger? Adjust the tyre pressures to the manufacturers recommended pressures (Increase). Adjust the rear suspension (Harder) and if necessary, adjust the headlamps and mirrors. Set the pillion foot pegs.
What should your passenger wear? A correctly fastened, legal safety helmet and full protective clothing.
What advice would you give to a passenger before they get on your bike? Sit astride the bike and keep your feet on the footrests. Hold on, either to the grab rail or around my waist. Always lean with the rider and I will let you know when I’m ready for you to get on or off the bike. Do not make any signals and try not to distract me or move around the bike.
How would carrying a passenger affect the handling of the bike? How would you ride differently when carrying a passenger? The bike will be heavier so I will need to allow a greater braking distance and choose larger gaps when moving off at junctions. It will be slower to accelerate and the bike will be harder to balance, especially at low speeds. I will need to be careful on low speed manoeuvres.
What precautions should you take when carrying luggage? Make sure it is correctly fastened and evenly balanced on the bike. Do not overload it. Check that the luggage remains free from all moving parts, lights and the exhaust. Ensure that the luggage does not impede rider vision.